<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> Call for Papers

Call for Papers

In the last a number of years, we have witnessed the rapid development of several key technological areas, such as the Internet and mobile devices, which make large scale use of visual information. There is a growing need to efficiently capture, transform, analyse, manipulate, synthesise, visualise, store, and retrieve image and video data in a wide spectrum of applications. Future information systems in commercial and scientific applications will have a high visual content, and it is necessary to address various aspects of visual information processing.

The workshop will provide a forum for researchers, including postgraduate students, to discuss their recent work and exchange research ideas. We invite papers on the following and related topics:


July 15 Full paper due
Aug. 30 Notification of acceptance after peer review
Sept. 10 Registration begins
Sept. 30 Final paper manuscript and copyright form due
Nov. 7-9, 2006 Workshop

Workshop venue: Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ZhongGuanCun East Road 95, Beijing 100080, China.

Publication: Workshop papers will be included in proceeding. Selected papers will be published on special issues of journals:

  1. Special Issue on Media-Assisted E-Commerce, Journal of Electronic Commerce and Organizations (ISSN1539-2937).
  2. Special Issue on Sensor Networks and Signal Processing, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (ISSN 1743-8225).
  3. Special Issue on Visual Information Analysis and Processing, Journal of Pattern Analysis and Applications (ISSN 1433-7541).

Paper submission: Please submit papers to vip2006@nlpr.ia.ac.cn.

Paper Award: One best paper and one best student paper will be awarded.