Face Recognition Using the NFL Method

The Nearest Feature Line (NFL) method

A feature line is the line passing through two prototype points, x1 and x2. It generalizes the representational capacity of the two prototype images. In the NFL, the distance between the query x and its projection p on to the feature line is used as the distance metric
The NFL-based classification is performed as follows: Let  and  be two distinct prototype feature points belonging to class c, and x be the query. The NFL distance is
where M is the number of class,  is the number of distance of class c is the best matched class, and  are the two best matched prototypes of the class .

Experiment Results

Comparison with the standard eigenface method

A compound data set of 1079 face images of 137 persons is used in this experiment. It is composed of five databases: Error rates are computed for two test schemes

Comparison of error rates obtained with test scheme 1 (left) and scheme 2

Comparison with the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

The ORL face database of Cambridge is used with 200 images for training, the other 200 for testing. The error rates are the average results obtained by 4 runs. The CNN error rate is 3.83%, reported previously as yielding the lowest error rate for ORL. The NFL error rate is 3.125%, lower than the CNN rate.
0.  System Structure
1.  Learning-based face detection
2.  Face extraction using EigenSnakes
3.  NFL-based face recognition