My works generally focus on social multimedia analysis. Currently, I'm working along the research line of User-centric Social Multimedia Mining & Applicatoin. Other interests include social multimedia organization and deep-learning based social multimedia analysis.
User-aware Social Tagging Analysis In typical image sharing websites, users are allowed to choose tags to describe the uploaded images for easy organization. Therefore, three types of interrelated entities exist in the social image tagging ecosystems, i.e., user, image and tag. In this work, we propose to introduce the user entity into the social image tag analysis. The observed raw tags can be seen as product of ternary interactions among the three entities, which construct the raw 3-order tensor. Combined with the homogeneous intro-entity priors, a rank-based optimization scheme is presented to reconstruct the tensor and obtain the final ternary interrelations. The improved ternary interrelations can be applied along three lines: (1) image-tag: tag enrichment; (2) user-tag: user modeling; (3) user-image: image recommendation; and (4) user-image-tag: personalized tag recommendation, personalized image retreival.
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Online Activity-based User Modeling Users' online activities well indicate their interests, which can be used to infer their background and contruct user profile. Specifically, we consider two problems: user activity data sparisity, and user attribution relation. For the first problem, data expansion is performed to enrich user acitivity collection considering user and activity collaboration information. User-specific topic modeling is conducted on the expanded user collection to learn user preferences. For the second one, we exploit the relations between user attributes via a relational latent model. The derived attribute relation is utilized for accurate user attribute inference, as well as applied to structural attribute-based user retrieval.
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Personalized Image Search and Video Recommendation
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Contextual and Personalized Mobile Recommendation
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Topic-level Social Relation Analysis (1) Peer-to-peer influence Modeling      [project]. |
Cross-platform Information Aggregation and User Modeling
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Cross-platform Collaborated Applications
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Cluster-based Retrieved Video Organization The overwhelming amount of web videos makes effective search and browsing a very challenging task. Users have to painstakingly browse through the long rank list to judge whether the results match their requriements and locate the interesting ones. Instead of organizing the returned results via ranked list, in this work, we propose to group the videos into semantically consistent clusters, where users are provided with a visualized summary of the video collection to have a quick overview and locate desired videos efficiently. Based on data observation into the returned video collection, we found inherent hierachical structure that the specific sub-topics share one common general topic related to the query. Inspired by this, we extend the traditional hierarchical topic model (hLDA) by considering query-root topic relation and pairwise visual duplicate constraints. A novel user interface is designed to visualize the derived video clusters.
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Semantic and Geographical Multimedia OrganizationIn one hand, with the development of positioning technologies and popularity of mobile devices, extensive geographical information is attached with human behaviors. In the other, social media provides a best platform to share these human behavior generated multimedias, which make large-scale geo-referenced multimedia publicly available for acadmia investigation and industrial application. One natural application is for geographical organization, which cluster and visualize multimedias on the map according to their GPS position. We emphasize in this work that, besides providing a sharing platform, social media produces remarkable metadata to describe the multimedias. We propose to exploit the metadata for semantic mining to organize multimedias semantically as well as geographically. Specifically, we are interested to visualize a city from multiple representative themes, where each theme is extracted by aggregating several lower-level Point-Of-Interest (POI).
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Deep Structure-based Feature Learning The quality of features has been proved crucial in computer vision tasks such as scene classification and object recognition. Instead of extracting data-driven features, current multimedia research works tend to use off-the-shelf visual features, like SIFT, HOG, Haarlet, etc. Feature learning is largely ignored, especially in complex problems. Under Web 2.0 circumstance, like the social tagging systems, medias are extensively associated, either homogeneously or hetergeneously. Feature learning, for both homogeneous and hetergeneous medias, is more important and challenging than ever before. Appropriate feature will alleviate the burden for higher-level model design and thus improve the overall performance. Deep learning is distinguished abstraction and representation ability. In this work, we propose to exploit the deep learning framework to pursue unified feature for the associated heterogeneous as well as homogeneous medias.      [project] |
User Study and Interactive Design for Mobile Visual Search      [demo][1]  Interaction Design for Mobile Visual Search. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2013. In Press. |
Robust Name-Face Graph Matching based on Script-Video Alignment[1] Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol 14, no.3-1, pp.586-596, 2012.[2] Robust Movie Character Identification and the Sensitivity Analysis. IEEE Internation Conference on Multimedia & Expo, oral, 2011. |
Character-based Movie Summarization
[1]  Character-based movie summarization. ACM Multimedia , short, 2010, pp.855-858. |
Last update on Sept. 30, 2013
In social media, users have revolutionized their roles from information receivers to information contributors. We emphasize that social media mining and application should be user-centric: (1) User is the basic information collection unit. Social media web is best viewed as aggregation among online activities from billions of users. (2) User is the ultimate target for social media services, which is devoted to understanding user preferences and pushing interesting information to the desired users. Our works on user-centric social multimedia mining and application also falls into two categories: to perform data mining from the perspective of user, and to develop user-oriented multimedia applications.