An MRF is characterized by its local property (the Markovianity)
whereas a GRF is characterized by its global property (the Gibbs
distribution). The Hammersley-Clifford theorem
[Hammersley and Clifford 1971]
establishes the equivalence of these two types of properties. The
theorem states that F is an MRF on with respect to
and only if F is a GRF on
with respect to
. Many proofs of the theorem
exist, e.g.
in [Besag 1974 ; Moussouris 1974 ; Kindermann and Snell 1980].
A proof that a GRF is an MRF is given as follows. Let be a Gibbs
distribution on
with respect to the neighborhood system
Consider the conditional probability
where is any configuration
which agrees with f at all sites except possibly i. Writing
gives (This also provides a formula for calculating the conditional probability
from potential functions.)
Divide into two set
consisting of
cliques containing i and
cliques not containing i. Then
the above can be written as
Because for any clique c that does not contain i,
cancels from both the numerator and
denominator. Therefore, this probability depends only on the potentials
of the cliques containing i,
that is, it depends on labels at i's neighbors. This proves that a Gibbs random field is a Markov random field. The proof that an MRF is a GRF is much more involved; a result to be described in the next subsection, which is about the unique GRF representation [Griffeath 1976], provides such a proof.
The practical value of the theorem is that it provides a simple way of
specifying the joint probability. One can specify the joint probability
by specifying the clique potential functions
chooses appropriate potential functions for desired system behavior. In
this way, he encodes the a priori knowledge or preference about
interactions between labels.
How to choose the forms and parameters of the potential functions for a proper encoding of constraints is a major topic in MRF modeling. The forms of the potential functions determine the form of the Gibbs distribution. When all the parameters involved in the potential functions are specified, the Gibbs distribution is completely defined. Defining the functional forms is the theme in Chapters 2 -- 5 while estimating parameters is the subject in Chapters 6 and 7.
To calculate the joint probability of an MRF, which is a Gibbs
distribution, it is necessary to evaluate the partition function
( 1.25). Because it is the sum over a
combinatorial number of configurations in , the computation is
usually intractable. The explicit evaluation can be avoided in
maximum-probability based MRF vision models when
contains no
unknown parameters, as we will see subsequently. However, this is not
true when the parameter estimation is also a part of the problem. In the
latter case, the energy function
is also a
function of parameters
and so is the partition function
. The evaluation of
is required. To circumvent
the formidable difficulty therein, the joint probability is often
approximated in practice. Several approximate formulae will be
introduced in Chapter 6 where the problem of MRF
parameter estimation is the subject.