Handbook of Face Recognition

Editors: Stan Z. Li and Anil K. Jain

Springer. New York. ISBN# 0-387-40595-x.

16 Chapters. 400 pages. Hardcover.

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Table of Contents (More Detailed TOC)  

  1. Introduction (Stan Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences  & Anil Jain, Michigan State University)

  2. Face Detection (Stan Li, Microsoft Research Asia)

  3. Modeling Face Shape and Appearance (Tim Cootes & Chris Taylor, Haizhuang Kang & Vladimir Petrovic, University of Manchester)

  4. Parametric Face Modeling and Tracking (Jorgen Ahlberg, Swedish Defense Research Agency & Fadi Dornaika, Linkoping University)

  5. Illumination Modeling for Face Recognition (Ronen Basri, Weizmann Institute of Science & David Jacobs, University of Maryland)

  6. Facial Skin Color Modeling (Birgitta Martinkauppi & Matti Pietikäinen,,  University of Oulu)

  7. Face Recognition in Subspaces (Gregory Shakhnarovich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Baback Moghaddam, MERL Cambridge Research)

  8. Face Tracking and Recognition from Video (Rama Chellappa, ShaoHua Zhou, University of Maryland)

  9. Face Recognition across Pose and Illumination (Ralph Gross, Simon Baker, Iain Matthews, Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon University)

  10. Morphable Models of Faces (Sami Romdhani, University of Basel & Volker Blanz, Max-Planck-Institut fur Informatik & Curzio Basso & Thomas Vetter, University of Basel)

  11. Facial Expression Analysis (Ying-li Tian, IBM Watson Research Center & Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon University & Jeffrey Cohn, University of Pittsburgh)

  12. Face Synthesis (ZiCheng Liu, Bai-Ning Guo, Microsoft Research)

  13. Face Databases (Ralph Gross, Carnegie Mellon University)

  14. Performance Evaluation (P. Jonathan Phillips, Patrick Grother, Ross Micheals, National Institute of Standards and Technology)

  15. Psychological and Neural Perspectives (Alice J. O'Toole, University of Texas)

  16. Face Recognition Applications (Thomas Huang, Ziyou Xiong, ZhenQiu Zhang, University of Illinois)


Important Dates


March 31, 2003

Acceptance of Invitation

April 27, 2003

Table of Content

August 1, 2003

Chapters submitted to editors

September 1, 2003

Extended deadline for submission

October 13-17, 2003

Edit version displayed at ICCV 2003

October, 2004

Handbook in Production