Publications |
Books and Book Chapters
- S.Z. Li.
Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis.
Springer-Verlag, 2001. (This is the 2nd edition of
Markov Random Field Modeling in Computer Vision, 1995).
- S.Z. Li.
``Shape Matching Based on
Invariants'' (of tutorial nature). In Omid Omidvar (ed), Shape
Analysis, pp.203-228, Volume 6 of Progress in Neural
Networks. Ablex. May 1999.
- S.Z. Li, D.P. Mital, E.K. Teoh, H. Wang (Ed.).
Recent Developments in Computer Vision.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 1035. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Selected Journal Papers
- S.Z. Li, K.L. Chan and C.L. Wang.
``Performance Evaluation of the Nearest Feature Line Method
in Image Classification and Retrieval''.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
22(11):1335-1339. November, 2000.
- S.Z. Li.
``Content-based Classification and
Retrieval of Audio Using the Nearest Feature Line Method''.
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 8(5):619-625.
September 2000.
- S.Z. Li.
``Roof-Edge Preserving Image Smoothing
Based on MRFs''. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
9(6):1134-1138, June, 2000.
- S.Z. Li.
``Toward Global Solution to
MAP Image Restoration and Segementation:
Using Common Structure of Local Minima''. Pattern Recognition.
33(4):715-723, April, 2000.
- S.Z. Li.
``Recognizing Multiple Overlapping
Objects in Image: An Optimal Formulation''.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 9(2):273-276,
February, 2000.
- S.Z. Li, J. Lu.
``Face Recognition Using the Nearest
Feature Line Method''. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
10(2):439-443, March, 1999.
- L. Wang, J. Liu and S.Z. Li.
`` MRF Parameter Estimation
by MCMC Method''. Pattern recognition, accepted 1999.
- S.Z. Li.
``MAP Image
Restoration and Segmentation By Constrained Optimization''.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 7(12):1730-1735,
December, 1998.
- S.Z. Li.
``Close-Form Solution and
Parameter Selection for Convex Minimization Based Edge-Preserving
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
20(9):916-932, September, 1998.
- S.Z. Li.
``Bayesian Object Matching''.
Journal of Applied Statistics, 25(3):425-443, 1998.
- S.Z. Li, H. Wang, and W.Y.C. Soh.
``Robust Estimation of Rotation
Angles from Image Sequences Using the Annealing M Estimator''.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
8(2):181-192 1998.
- S.Z. Li, W.Y.C. Soh, E.K. Teoh.
``Relaxation labeling using
augmented Lagrange-Hopfield method''. Pattern Recognition.
31(1):73-81, 1998.
- S.Z. Li, H. Wang, K.L. Chan, and M. Petrou.
``Energy minimization
and relaxation labeling''.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
vol.7, pp.149-161, 1997.
- S.Z. Li.
estimation for optimal object recognition: Theory and application''.
International Journal of Computer Vision,
21(3):207-222, 1997.
- S.Z. Li.
``Invariant representation,
recognition and pose estimation of 3D space curves under similarity
Pattern recognition, 30(3):447-458, 1997
- S.Z. Li.
``Improving Convergence and Solution Quality of
Hopfield-Type Neural Network with Augmented Lagrange Multipliers''.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
7(6):1507-1516, November, 1996.
- S.Z. Li.
``Robustizing robust
M-estimation using deterministic annealing''.
Pattern Recognition, 29(1):159-166, 1996.
- S.Z. Li.
``On discontinuity-adaptive
smoothness priors in computer vision''.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
17(6):576-586, June 1995.
- S.Z. Li.
``Discontinuity-adaptive MRF prior and robust statistics: A
comparative study''.
Image and Vision Computing, 13(4):pages 227-233, April 1995.
- S.Z. Li.
``Adaptive sampling
and mesh generation''.
Computer Aided Design, 27(3):235-240, March 1995.
S.Z. Li, J. Kittler, and M. Petrou.
``Automatic registration of aerial photographs and digital maps''.
Optical Engineering, 32(6):1213-1221, June 1993.
- S.Z. Li.
``Towards 3D vision from range
images: An optimization framework and parallel networks''.
CVGIP: Image Understanding, 55(3):231-260, May 1992.
- S.Z. Li.
``Matching: invariant to
translations, rotations and scale changes''.
Pattern Recognition, 25(6):583-594, June 1992.
- S.Z. Li.
``Object recognition from range data
prior to segmentation''.
Image and Vision Computing, 10(8):566-576, October 1992.
- S.Z. Li.
``Invariant surface
segmentation through energy minimization with discontinuities''.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 5(2):161-194, 1990.
- S.Z. Li. ``A design of fast emitter identifier with
multi-factor decision''. Journal of Radar, pages 1-14, January
1986. (in Chinese)
- S.Z. Li. ``Robust M detection''. Acta Electronica
Sinica, 11(6):103-107, June 1983. (in Chinese)
Selected Conference Papers
- S.Z. Li and G.D. Guo. ``Content-Based
Audio Classification and Retrieval Using SVM Learning''. PCM 2000.
G.D. Guo, S.Z. Li, and K.L. Chan. ``Learning Similarity for texture Image
Retrieval''. In Proceedings of the European Conference on
Computer Vision. Dublin, Ireland. June, 2000.
- Q. Gu. and S.Z. Li.
``Combining Feature Optimization into
Neural Network Based Face Recognition''. In Proceedings of The 15th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Barcelona,
Catalonia, Spain. September, 2000.
- G.D. Guo, S.Z. Li, and K.L. Chan. ``Face Recognition by Support Vector
Machines''. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International
Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Grenoble,
France. 28-30 March, 2000.
- R. Liao and S.Z. Li. ``Face Recognition Based on Multiple Facial
Features''. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International
Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Grenoble,
France. 28-30 March, 2000.
- S.Z. Li, J.W. Lu, and K. L. Chan.
``Face Detection Using Neural Learning
with Optimized Feature Set''.
In Proceedings of the Fouth Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, Taipei, January, 2000.
- G.D. Guo, S.Z. Li, K.L. Chan and H. Pan.
``Texture Image Segmentation using
Reduced Gabor Filter Set and Mean Shift Clustering''.
In Proceedings of the Fouth Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, Taipei, January, 2000.
- H. Pan, S.Z. Li, and G.D. Guo.
``Robust Unsupervised Clustering
Using Generalized Annealing M-Estimator''.
In Proceedings of the Fouth Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, Taipei, January, 2000.
- S.Z. Li, and J.W. Lu.
``Modeling Bayesian Estimation for
Deformable Contours''.
In Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer
Vision. pp.991-996. Kerkyra, Greece. September 20-27, 1999.
extended version.
- J. Liu, L. Wang, and S.Z. Li. ``MRMRF Texture Classification and MCMC Parameter
Estimation''. Proceedings of Vision Interface'99 (VI'99). p143-148,
Canada, 1999.
- S.Z. Li.
``Face Recognition Based on Nearest
Linear Combinations''.
In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition. pp.839-844. Santa Barbara, CA.
June 23-25, 1998.
- S.Z. Li, J.W. Lu, K.L. Chan, J. Liu and L. Wang.
``Hierarchical Linear Combinations for
Face Recognition''.
In Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition. Brisbane, Australia. August 16-20, 1998.
- S.Z. Li and J.W. Lu.
``Generalizing Capacity of Face Database
for Face Recognition''.
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on
Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. pp.402-405. Nara, Japan.
April 14-16, 1998.
- T. Liu, K.L. Chan, and S.Z. Li, ``Model-based Active Object
Recognition using MRF Matching and Sensor Plannign''. In Proceedings
of Asian Conference on Computer Vision 98; Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong, Jan 1998.
- L. Wang, J. Liu and S.Z. Li. ``A Novel Texture Classification Method based
on Multiresolution MRF Modeling''. Journal of IES, Vol.40, No.1, 2000.
- L. Wang, J. Liu, and S.Z. Li. ``MRMRF-based Texture
Classification''. In Proceedings of Joint Conference on Information
Science(JCIS'98), Vol.4, p226-229. Research Triangle Park, NC.
- L. Wang, J. Liu, and S.Z. Li. ``Texture Classification Using
Wavelet Decomposition with Markov Random Field Models''. In International Conference on Image Processing, Vol.2,
p1613-1615, Brisbane, Australia, 1998.
- L. Wang, J. Liu, and S.Z. Li. ``Texture Classification Using
Multiresolution MRF Based on NLC'', ICARCV'98, Vol.1, p205-209,
Singapore, 1998.
- S.Z. Li and J. Hornegger.
``A Two-Stage Probabilistic Approach
For Object Recognition''.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision.
University of Freiburg, Germany. 2-6 June, 1998.
- S.Z. Li, Y. Huang, J. Fu and K. L. Chan.
smoothing by convex minimization''.
In Proceedings of the Third Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, Hong Kong, January, 1998.
- S.Z. Li. ``Toward Global Solution to MAP
Image Estimation: Using Common Structure of Local Minima''. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy Minimization
Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Ca' Dolfin,
Venice, Italy, May 21-23, 1997.
- S.Z. Li and L.H. Chen.
``Augmented Lagrange-Hopfield Method for Combinatorial Optimization''.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural
Information Processing. Hong Kong. September 1996.
- S.Z. Li, K.L. Chan, and H. Wang.
``Bayesian Image Restoration and
Segmentation by Constrained Optimization''.
In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 1-6, San Francisco, CA, June
- S.Z. Li.
``MRF based matching and pose estimation
In Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, Singapore, December, 1995.
- S.Z. Li.
``Parallel distributed relaxation
In Proceedings of the Second Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, Singapore, December, 1995.
- S.Z. Li.
``Relaxation labeling
using Lagrange multipliers and Hopfield network''.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing, pages 266-269, Washington, D.C., 1995.
S.Z. Li, Y.H. Huang, and J. Fu.
``Convex MRF potential
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing, pages 296-299, Washington, D.C., 1995.
- S.Z. Li.
``A Markov random field model
for object matching under contextual constraints''.
In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 866-869, Seattle, Washington, June
S.Z. Li, H. Wang, and M. Petrou.
``Relaxation labeling of
Markov random fields''.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
volume 1, pages 488-492, Jerusalem, Israel, October 1994.
- S.Z. Li.
``Markov random field models in
computer vision''.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision,
volume B, pages 361-370, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1994.
- S.Z. Li.
``Adaptation to discontinuities and
robustness to outliers''.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation
Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, November 1994.
- S.Z. Li.
``Self-organization of surface shapes''.
In Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
Nagoya, Japan, October 1993.
S.Z. Li, H. Wang, T.-H. Ang, and K.-M. Bey.
``Detection of corners on 3D curves''.
In Proc. SPIE conference on Intelligent Robots and Robot Vision
XIII: Computer Vision, Product Inspection and Active Vision,
Boston, MA, 31 October - 4 November 1994.
- S.Z. Li.
invariants for 3D space curve matching''.
In Proceedings of the First Asian Conference on Computer
Vision, pages 454-457, Osaka, Japan, November 1993.
S.Z. Li, J. Kittler, and M. Petrou.
``Matching and recognition of road networks from aerial images''.
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision,
pages 857-861, June 1992.
- S.Z. Li.
``Recognizing overlapping objects and continuous speech''.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation
Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, September 1992.
- S.Z. Li.
``Mapping from pixels to models: A connectionist approach''.
In Proceedings of The 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image
Ananlysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 1991.
- S.Z. Li.
``Reconstruction without discontinuities''.
In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computer
Vision, pages 709-712, Osaka, Japan, December 1990.
- S.Z. Li.
``A curve analysis approach to surface feature extraction from
range image''.
In Proceedings of International Workshop on Machine Intelligence
and Vision, Tokyo, Japan, April 1989.
- S.Z. Li.
``3D object recognition from range images: Computational framework
and neural networks''.
In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Intelligent
Autonomous Systems, pages 100-110, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 1989.
- H. Wang and S.Z. Li.
``Solving the bas-relief ambiguity''.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing, Austin, TX, 1994.
- H. Wang, S.Z. Li, and E. K. Teoh,
``A statistically unbiased method for computing
the rotation angles from image sequences''.
In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Machine Vision Applications,
Tokyo, 1994.
- H. Wang, S.Z. Li, and E. K. Teoh,
``Visual control of a robot head''.
In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Machine Vision Applications,
Tokyo, 1994.
- S.Z. Li and S.L. Wang. ``A morphological tool for image
analysis''. In Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Imaging
Techniques, pages 451--462, Nanjing, China, November 1987.
- S.Z. Li. ``Finding breakpoints on digital curves''. In Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Pattern Recognition and
Computer Graphics, pages 53--60, Zhangjiajie, China, August 1986.
(in Chinese)
- S.Z. Li. ``A design of fast emitter identifier with multi-factor
decision''. In Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Radar,
Chengdu, China, April 1985. (in Chinese)
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