Interactive Web Demos

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Face Recognition

Five classification methods are demonstrated. The methods, all based on the eigenface representation, differ in the distance measure for classification. There are over 1000 face images from six databases: Cambridge, Bern, Yale, MIT, Harvard and our own, subject to varying viewing angles. lighting directions, with or without glasses, and expressions, races and gender. See also related papers.

Recent work in Face Detection, Facial Feature extraction and Face Recognition

Audio Retrieval

Retrieve audio sounds according to the sound properties of the query sounds, from a database containing 16 classes of 409 sounds. You can compare among various representation and search methods. Two search engines are provided: an icon-based search engine and a list based search engine. You can find a full report of experiments here.

Texture Retrieval

Retrieval of the Brodatz textures. You can compare among various representation and search methods.

Image Retrieval

Image retrieval by color and/or texture. You can compare among various representation and search methods.

Relevance Feedback

Image retrieval using Relevance Feedback. You can compare among various representation and search methods.

On-Line MRF Sampler

The On-Line MRF Sampler generates a texture image according to an auto model specified by the parameters provided by the user. Refer to Markov Random Field Modeling in Computer Vision for more details of the model.

Stan Z. Li's Home Page.