Quan Fang (方全)

Short Bio     [Full CV]

I am an Associate Professor at the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences. I received my Ph.D. degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System from Mutimedia Computing Group (MMC), National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, advised by Prof. Changsheng Xu and Dr. Jitao Sang. My research interests are in social media data mining and applications.

I received a BE degree from the Automation Department, of Beihang University. I was a research intern in China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media, 2012-2013.

I am currently the Leader of the Zhuanzhi Group, where I work with my brilliant colleagues to build the Zhuanzhi.AI system that enable people to find required knowledge effectively and efficiently!

专知,专业可信的知识分发!目前致力于利用以知识图谱为核心的技术为人工智能从业者提供专业可信的AI知识分发服务。 专知,一个新的认知方式!

如果你对专知感兴趣,有意加入我们(实习生或者正式成员),请发送你的个人简历到我的邮箱(fangquanyi@gmail.com)! (if your are interested in Zhuanzhi.AI, please send your CV to me.)

  • One paper on "Folksonomy-based Visual Ontology Construction and Its Applications" is accepted by IEEE TMM. (January 2016)
  • One paper on "STCAPLRS: A Spatial-Temporal Context-Aware Personalized Location Recommendation System" is accepted by ACM TIST. (November 2015)
  • One paper on "Word-of-Mouth Understanding: Entity-Centric Multimodal Aspect-Opinion Mining in Social Media" is accepted by TMM. (October 2015)
  • One paper on Relational User Attribute Inference in Social Media is accepted by TMM. (April 2015)
  • One paper on Discovering Geo-Informative Attributes for Location Recognition and Exploration is accepted by TOMM. (June 2014)
  • I am awarded the 2013 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship. (October 2013)
  • Our team (NLPR_MMC) won "third place" in the "MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge 2013" (August 2013)
  • I have a ACM Multimedia 2013 full paper accepted and nominated as Best Paper Candidate. (June 2013)
Research Interest

   Social Media Data Mining and Applications.


 中国人工智能学会通讯, 2016, 第6卷,第11期.
 [pdf]  [期刊]
Exploiting Social-Mobile Information for Location Visualization
 Jitao Sang, Quan Fang and Changsheng Xu
  ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), Accepted, 2016.
Folksonomy-based Visual Ontology Construction and Its Applications
 Quan Fang, Changsheng Xu, and Jitao Sang
  IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2016, 18(4):702 - 713.
STCAPLRS: A Spatial-Temporal Context-Aware Personalized Location Recommendation System
 Quan Fang, and Changsheng Xu
  ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), 7, 4, Article 59 (March 2016), 30 pages.
Word-of-Mouth Understanding: Entity-Centric Multimodal Aspect-Opinion Mining in Social Media
 Quan Fang, Changsheng Xu, and Jitao Sang
  IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2015, 17(12): 2281-2296.
Relational User Attribute Inference in Social Media
 Quan Fang, Jitao Sang, and Changsheng Xu
  IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2015, 17(7): 1031-1044.
Discovering Geo-informative Attributes for Location Recognition and Exploration
 Quan Fang, Jitao Sang, and Changsheng Xu
 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM). 2014, 11(1): Article No.: 19.
GIANT: Geo-informative Attributes for Location Recognition and Exploration
 Quan Fang, Jitao Sang, and Changsheng Xu
 ACM Multimedia (MM). Barcelona, Spain. October 21-25, 2013.
 Full Paper;    [project]  [pdf]  [slides]
Best Paper Finalist
Topic-sensitive Influencer Mining in Interest-Based Social Media Networks via Hypergraph Learning
 Quan Fang, Jitao Sang, Changsheng Xu, and Yong Rui
  IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2014, 16(3): 796-812
 [project]  [pdf]  
Towards MSR-Bing Challenge: Ensemble of Diverse Models for Image Retrieval.
 Quan Fang, Hanqiu Xu, Ruowei Wang, Shengsheng Qian, Ting Wang, Jitao Sang, Changsheng Xu
  2013 MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge
 Third Place Award
Paint the City Colorfully: Location Visualization from Multiple Themes
 Quan Fang, Jitao Sang, Changsheng Xu, and Ke Lu
 The 19th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM). Huangshan, China. January 7-9, 2013.
 Oral Presentation;    [project]  [pdf]  [slides]
Best Student Paper Award
Saliency Aware Locality-preserving Coding for Image Classification
 Quan Fang, Jitao Sang, Changsheng Xu
 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME). Melbourne, Australia. July 9-13, 2012.
    [pdf]  [poster]  

  • 项连城, 方全, 桑基韬, 徐常胜. "基于社交媒体的关联性用户属性推断". 软件学报, 2014.
  • 邱泽宇, 方全, 桑基韬, 徐常胜. "基于区域上下文感知的图像标注". 计算机学报, 2013.[第22届全国多媒体技术会议最佳口头报告]
Research Activities

  1. Changsheng Xu, Jitao Sang, Quan Fang. "Topic-sensitive Influencer Mining in Interest-Based Social Media Networks", in Chinese, 201210455018.1, 2012
Demo System
Selected Honors & Awards


Quan Fang

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