Ming Yan (严明)

Phd Candidate

Mutimedia Computing Group (MMC)
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences

13, Intelligent Building
No.95, Zhongguancun East Rd.
Beijing, China 100190
Email:   ming.yan@nlpr.ia.ac.cn
Phone: + (86) 10-82611857
My Weibo: follow me


Welcome to my academic webpage! I am currently a Ph.D. candidate student (4th year) at Prof. Changsheng Xu's Multimedia Computing (MMC) group, advised by Associate Prof.Jitao Sang. My research work generally focuses on user-centric social media analysis. Currently, my research work mainly focuses on cross-network user modeling and recommendation.

My typical research interests include:

I received my bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (hust). I also worked with Dr. Tao Mei on video content analysis at 2013 when interned at MSRA and was a research intern in China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media (CSIDM) at 2014.

Selected Publications

FriendTransfer: Cold-start Friend Recommendation with Cross-platform Transfer Learning of Social Knowledge
Ming Yan, Jitao Sang, Tao Mei and Changsheng Xu
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), San Jose, USA, 2013
Full paper, oral
[project] [pdf] [slides]

Mining Cross-network Association for YouTube Video Promotion
Ming Yan, Jitao Sang and Changsheng Xu
ACM Multimedia 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA
Full paper, oral
[project] [pdf] [slides] [poster] [dataset]

Unified YouTube Video Recommendation via Cross-network Collaboration
Ming Yan, Jitao Sang and Changsheng Xu
ACM ICMR 2015, Shanghai, China
Best student paper award, Full paper, oral
[project] [pdf] [slides] [dataset]