Stan Z. Li (李子青)
Institute of Automation
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel: +86-10-82626787, Fax: +86-10-6265 9350



Stan Z. Li received the PhD degree from Surrey University, UK. He is currently a professor at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), the director of Center for Biometrics and Security Research (CBSR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA); and co-director of Joint Laboratory for Intelligent Surveillance and Identification in Civil Aviation (CASIA-CAUC). He worked at Microsoft Research Asia as a researcher from 2000 to 2004. Prior to that, he was an associate professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


His research interest includes pattern recognition and machine learning, image and vision processing, face recognition, biometrics, and intelligent video surveillance. He has published over 200 papers in international journals and conferences, and authored and edited 5 books including "Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis" (Springer, 1st edition in 1995 and 2nd edition in 2001).  He is currently an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  and has been actively participating in organizing a number of international conferences and workshops in the fields of his research interest.


Stan Z. Li is an expert in face recognition, biometrics and intelligent video surveillance. The Eye-CU face recognition system he developed at Microsoft Research Asia was demonstrated by Bill Gate on a CNN interview.  He has been leading several national and international collaboration projects in biometrics and intelligent video surveillance. The AuthenMetric face recognition system and intelligent video surveillance system have been deployed in many applications.  He acted as the program chair for the Asian Biometrics Forum 2006 and a co-chair for the International Conference on Biometrics 2007. He delivered a speech on Biometrics in China, on behalf of the China National Body, at the 2006 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 meeting in London. He co-edited Handbook of Face Recognition (Springer, 2005), and is acting as editor-in-chief for Encyclopedia of Biometric Recognition (Springer, to be published 2008). 

Publications,   Handbook of Face Recognition,   Encyclopedia of Biometric Recognition (Springer 2008)

Professional Activities,   Projects,   Demos Students

Apollo in Beijing's Music Station

李子青, 获湖南大学学士、国防科大硕士、英国Surrey大学博士学位。2000辞去新加坡南洋大学终身教职,加盟微软亚洲研究院。2004年作为415计划入选者来到中科院自动化所,现为生物识别与安全技术研究中心(中科院自动化所)主任,民航安全智能监控与识别联合实验室(中科院自动化所 -中国民航大学)主任。

李子青的研究领域包括统计模式识别与机器学习理论,以及生物特征识别、智能视频监控,图像处理与计算机视觉,图像与视频理解。 学术研究积极活跃,发表论文 200 多篇,撰写编写著作 5 ,其中Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis (Springer 1995, 2nd edition in 2001) 被誉为"图像分析领域里程碑意义的工作。有较广泛的国际国内学术联系, 多个国际学术会议任程序主席或委员,现任IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 副主编

李子青是人脸识别和智能视频监控专家,主持相关领域的多个国家科学研究项目和重大应用工程项目在相关领域获准和申请专利10余项。 Anil Jain 合编的 《人脸识别手册》 (Handbook of Face Recognition, Springer, 2005) 为人脸识别领域第一部权威论著。在微软研发的人脸识别系统 Eye-CU比尔.盖茨接受CNN采访亲自为之讲解。在中科院自动化所研发的AuthenMetric 中科奥森人脸识别系统和智能视频监控系统,已在国家重大安全部门实施并发挥作用李子青20067月参加在伦敦召开的ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 生物识别国际标准年会,代表中国代表团在全体会议上作了生物特征识别在中国的演讲(Biometrics in China)。任2006亚洲生物识别论坛(Asia Biometrics Forum)程序主席,2007国际生物识别大会(International Conference on Biometrics)程序主席。目前受 Springer 之邀主编 《生物特征识别百科全书》(Encyclopedia of Biometric Recognition, Springer 2008)

论文发表《人脸识别手册》,   《生物特征识别百科全书》(Springer 2008)

职业活动 承担项目,     技术演示

学生培养工作  招生: 博士、硕士生,    招聘: 博士后、研究、开发人员
