
Jian Cheng


Director, Joint Lab of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing

National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Institute of Automation , Chinese Academy of Sciences


Tel: +(86)-10-82544508
Address: No.95 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing 100190, China

[        Research         |        Publications         |        Activities         |        Projects         |        Students        ]


About me


I am currently a professor of Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mathematics from Wuhan University in 1998 and 2001, respectively. After that, I got Ph.D degree in pattern recognition and intelligent systems from Institute of Automation in 2004, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 2004 to 2006, I have been working as postdoctoral in Nokia Research Center. Then I joined National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation. I have authored or co-authored more than 100 academic papers.




My research interest mainly lies in machine learning, pattern recognition, computing architecture and chips, data mining.

l  Machine learning and computing methods
      Deep Learning, Acceleration and Compression

Architecture for deep learning

Hashing, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

Semi-supervised learning

Indexing, Ranking


l  Emerging Applications
      Image/video Search & Recommendation
      Image classification and recognition
      Embedded AI Chip and Systems


Awards & Honors


l   2010: LU JIAXI Young Talent award, Chinese Academy of Sciences

l   2013: First place, ChaLearn Gesture Recognition Challenge

l   2013: The first class prize of Natural Sciences, Chinese Institute of Electronics

l   2013: Best paper candidate, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 15-19, USA

l   2015: Ranked first place on Visual Recognition task and third place on Image Retrieval task on MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge @ ACM MM 2015

l   2016: Successfully defended first place on MSR-Bing Image Recognition Challenge (IRC) @ ICME 2016

l   2016: Ranked the second places on track 2 (Accessories Classification) and track 3 (Smile and Gender Classification) of ChaLearn 2016.

l   2016 KDD CUP honorable mention (joint with Prof. Zhenfeng Zhu at Beijing Jiaotong University), ranked first place on phase 2 (341 teams).

l   2016 prize paper award honorable mention to our TMM 2013 paper (Peng Li, et al.)

l   2018: The second class prize of Science & Technology, China Society of Image and Graphics

l   2019: First place, MicroNet Challenge on ImageNet task and CIFAR task @ NeurIPS 2019.

l   2019: The runner-up of Light weight Face Recognition Challenge @ ICCV 2019.


Perspective Students & Interns











Last updated date: Oct. 1, 2018, by Jian Cheng.